Monday, June 22, 2009

Dear Son

sorry for not writing to u on Friday ... mamma was busy!!

This weekend we had fun. On Friday, we did what we normally do ... hired movies.

On Saturday, we went to Spur. You and dad like going there even though mom wants to try something new like Ocean Basket, but you 2 don't want to. So I guess I was outvoted. At Spur you got a voucher for a free meal for the next time we go, which I'm guessing will be this weekend. Men and Spur!

We then sent daddy to the music shop so that we could dash in-and-out of shops, with NOTHING in our hands as a Father's Day gift to him. We then decided to throw in the towel and go home and rather ask daddy what he wanted for a gift.

You made him 2 beautiful Father's day cards. You are so creative and intelligent. ;-)

We made daddy's favourite dessert and you grated chocolate on top to make it YUMMIER.

You had a bit of a cough when we were watching movies and mommy decided that her little man was not going to bath and I just rubbed your chest and back with Puma Balm and put on your warm PJ's for you.

On Sunday, Father's day, we got up early and you wished daddy and gave him the cards and we already gave him his gift on Saturday. We then ran daddy's bath water and you got him some yogurt to eat.

We then treated him like a king, carrying everything he requested to him.

I love you my son more and more each day!!!!!!

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